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Opportunities to join our staff as we make disciples in Pittsburgh

Job Openings
Our hope as a staff is to serve and lead our church, while we seek to love God with the wholeness of our heart, mind, strength, and soul. We are one team with one mission: to see Jesus build a community of disciples who love God and love their neighbors.
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Our internships at Renaissance seek to develop and send out emerging leaders for the church and the world. This is done through mentoring, training, and equipping for practical ministry. Our vision is to raise up the next generation to love, serve, and lead within the local church. Our desire is not just for our interns to be better ministers of the gospel, but to become more fruitful and spiritually formed disciples of Jesus who multiply leaders and work for the common good of our city and world.
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Internship Overview
Internships at Renaissance develop emerging leaders for the church and the world through mentoring, training, and equipping for practical ministry. Our vision is to equip the next generation to love, serve, and lead within the local church. We are looking for interns who:
- Desire to see the mission of Renaissance Church advance as interns partner together with Renaissance leaders
- Are ready to be further equipped and trained for ministry through holistic training and growth
- Are future leaders trying to discern a call to ministry within the local church
This is accomplished through an environment that:
- Cultivates a community of grace where interns can grow and learn
- Forms interns with a greater passion for the local church in love, service, and leadership
- Invites a variety of people, ages, gifts and abilities to play their part in the body of Christ
- Hopes to mold future ministry leaders, church planters, and pastors
Our desire is not just for our interns to be better ministers, but to become more fruitful disciples and children of God who work for the common good of our city and world. To that end, we have the following expectations:
- Formation – Interns should expect to be formed in the image of Christ and to encounter the power and presence of God.
- Experience – Interns should expect a wide array of ministry experiences. We want to expose them to the realities of ministry in an urban context which will include things like staff meetings, mercy ministry, prayer walking, conferences, counseling, discipleship meetings, and various other activities.
- Relationships – Interns should expect to be embedded in the Renaissance community which is made up of flawed people who trust Jesus as their only hope in life and death.
*Application period is currently closed
If you have any questions or want to learn more, please fill out our Connect Card!