Benevolence Ministry

What is the Benevolence Ministry?

The Benevolence Ministry exists to love others by meeting tangible needs for physical, emotional, and spiritual health. These needs include basic provisions such as housing, food, clothing, utilities, transportation, employment-related expenses, medical expenses, or counseling.

Who is this ministry for?

This ministry is for Renaissance church members and their families, regular attendees, neighbors with a relationship to a church member, and those associated with a specific ministry at Renaissance, including other non-profits that Renaissance supports.

How do I request help?

Complete the Benevolence Request Form. A member of the team will follow up with you within 48 hours.

Why do we have a Benevolence Team?

The Benevolence Team consists of church members who help build a community of disciples who love God and love their neighbor by connecting those in our church and community to resources and demonstrating Christ’s love by meeting our neighbors needs.

More questions?

Check out our FAQ’s or reach out to our team: [email protected]! We’d love to connect.