Listen as Pastor Rob teaches on what Jesus says about divorce during the Sermon on the Mount.

TEXT: Matthew 5:31-32

TITLE: Marriage and Divorce


  • Matthew 5:31
  • Matthew 19:1
  • Deuteronomy 24:1
  • Matthew 19:2-6
  • Matthew 19:7


  • Matthew 5:32
  • Matthew 19:8-9
  • “For he that is meek, and a peacemaker, and poor in spirit, and merciful, how shall he cast out his wife? He that is used to reconcile others, how shall he be at variance with her that is his own?” Chrysostom


RESOURCES: Commentaries used: Bruner, Lloyd-Jones, Stott; Books: The Meaning of Marriage, by Timothy and Kathy Keller; God, Marriage, & Family, by A. J. Köstenberger; The Sermon on the Mount and Human Flourishing, by Pennington; The Divine Conspiracy, by Willard